About Me


This site is a Blog come technical ref for myself. its about work, family, geek stuff, and FreeBSD.

I consider this site as a handy how to for the stuff I am into, and I am sure there are people out there looking for the same things as I am.

About Me

I am a 40 year old Aircraft Engineer that  has a very unhealthy interest in technology which keeps me (relativley) poor. I am married, have kids and grandkids, like Tattoos, Beer, Comedy, Computers, Travel, and rock music.

I am from the South East of the UK and work at the premier airport for a very large UK airline. I am lucky enough to live in an area that has cable broadband that (at the time of writing) is giving me a very stable 50 meg, which allows me to host my own web and mail server.

I have 2 (step) kids, and 5 grandkids (3 boys, 2 girls), and I have been married for 25 Years.

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