Birthdays, Pandemics and Anniversaries

Posted by alipuk on September 2, 2020 in Me |

Today is my 49th birthday, but more importantly, its also my 25th Wedding Anniversary!

This means that I have been married for over half my life. It also means that next year, some 365 days hence forth, or 1 complete orbit around the sun I will be half a century old!

It also means that some internal assessment of my life is due and needs to be looked at “pretty sharpish”. And I don’t mean looking back at whats happened in my life, but looking forward at what the next few years will have to offer.

Perhaps it will involve me leaving my job and heading out into the big wide yonder, and attempt to get something new in a different industry. Maybe The Wife and I will head out on a new adventure away from the coast we currently live on and do something Boaty inland!

The future isn’t written, we write it ourselves. 

In this year 2020 we didn’t expect a pandemic, but the bastard turned up to say hello anyway. This ruined plans for the Wife and I that we had put into motion back in January. 

We had attempted to get most of the people who were invited to our wedding back in 1995 to come and celebrate our 25th anniversary 

But we all know how that has turned out!

So this weekend is going to result in me and the Wife heading out and visiting outlaws and friends and saying thanks (from a safe distance), and just general celebration with people we love and care for.

To be fair there was a lot of people who said we would be lucky to make 5 years, I guess we have shown them!

Hopefully my next post wont be so long in arriving, and thus will bid you adieu from the great ship boozehound. I may need some new kidneys before then!

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